InfoTech Tips & Trends

cassandra osterloh osterloh at
Mon Aug 9 10:26:40 EDT 2004

It's time for the 2nd installment of the InfoTech Tips & Trends!

The Emerging Technologies in Instruction Committee is interested in hearing 
about the multimedia creation software (such as RoboDemo, Qarbon Viewlet, 
Flash, etc.) you are using to create or enhance your tutorials. Please tell 
us what the software is, its advantages and disadvantages, and anything 
thing else you think may be of interest to your colleagues.

As before, we'll collect the responses for 2 weeks, and then post them on 
the committee's Web site for your reference.  URL:
ex.htm  Click on the InfoTech Tips and Trends link.

Please post to the list. Thank you.

Cassandra E. Osterloh
Visiting Lecturer
Instruction & Reference Librarian
Search Coordinator
University of New Mexico, Zimmerman Library

1 University of New Mexico
MSC05 3020
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131-0001

osterloh at

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