LIS students on Web4Lib

Sloan, Bernie bernies at
Sun Oct 20 14:01:49 EDT 2002

Bill Drew said:

"Are we now doing homework for LIS students?"

Nancy Sosna Bohm said:

"It is interesting that the 2 immediate responses to the newbie's question
spanned the spectrum of electronic list replies in general, with one being
nurturing, patient, and generous to the nth degree, and the other perhaps
voicing what most others who didn't reply actually thought.  ;)"

I don't get it. How is what this LIS student did any different than what a
lot of us do on Web4Lib? A lot of us begin projects we're unfamiliar with,
and turn to Web4Lib as a resource for guidance and suggestions. Or we're
working on something we're fairly familiar with, but encounter a problem we
can't resolve, so we turn to Web4Lib for helpful hints. I don't see any
postings that say "Are we now doing LIS practitioners' work for them?"

Bernie Sloan
Senior Library Information Systems Consultant
University of Illinois Office for Planning and Budgeting
338 Henry Administration Building
506 S. Wright Street
Urbana, IL  61801

Phone: (217) 333-4895
Fax:   (217) 265-0454
E-mail: bernies at

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