[WEB4LIB] Re: cross-database search

Gerry Mckiernan gerrymck at iastate.edu
Fri Nov 15 11:49:28 EST 2002

Roy et al.

    Earlier this year, I published an article about "Library Database Advisors - Emerging Innovative Augmented Digital Library Services" in my eProfile column for _Library Hi Tech News_(Volume 19 Issue 4, May  2002; pp. 27-33) which included profiles (and screen prints) of several 'Cross-Database' services (including a few that Roy listed in his column).

    The publisher, MCB University Press/ Emerald, has selected my article as a Sample Article [:-)], making it available free-of-charge at:

    [ http://www.emeraldinsight.com/journals/lhtn/sample.htm]

    I also profiled several Library Database Advisors  in my second WiLSWorld 2002 presentations this summer "IDEALS: Emerging Innovative Augmented Digital Library Services"

            [ http://www.wils.wisc.edu/events/wworld02/post.html ]

[It's a large file (14MB) (Lots of Screen Dumps); The section on Cross-Database Search Systems [Library Database Advisors] is the first group in the second category [USE]].



Gerry McKiernan
Emerging Innovative Augmented Digital Librarian
Iowa State University 
Ames IA 50011

gerrymck at iastate.edu 

>>> Roy Tennant <roy.tennant at ucop.edu> 11/14/02 04:56PM >>>
A bit over a year ago, I wrote a "Digital Libraries" column on this in  
Library Journal (see  
index.asp?layout=articlePrint&articleID=CA170458 ). In it, I pointed to  
the Web4Lib message in which I posted a summary of responses I had  
received to a similar query (see  
http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/Web4Lib/archive/0109/0021.html ). Since I  
asked my question well over a year ago, and the market is in a good  
deal of ferment now, it may be time to do another survey of what  
options exist, and what libraries are implementing. My own institution  
(the California Digital Library) is looking into commercial options and  
whether they are good enough to take the place of our in-house system,  
Searchlight (referenced in the aforementioned article and Web4Lib  
message). If there is anything that can be shared from that  
investigation, I'll send it along as well.

On Thursday, November 14, 2002, at 02:27  PM, Nancy Sosna Bohm wrote:

> I thought there was a discussion on this list about a product that  
> would
> search multiple databases. I can't find anything like that in the  
> Web4Lib
> Archives.
> Does anyone have any info on such a product?
> Several years ago UMI/Proquest/Electric Library marketed a product   
> that
> would at least allow users to do a simultaneous subject search in
> Proquest's database, the library's catalog, and the Internet.
> I can't even seem to come up with the right key terms to research this.
> Any suggestions? Or am I dreaming?
> TIA,
> Nancy
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