The Net, Self-Organization, & Search

Garey Mills gmills at
Thu Mar 7 11:35:51 EST 2002

	In "Empire", Hardt and Negri point out that there are new forms of
discrimination, one of the most insidious of which is the "managing of
social situations so that it 'just happens' that groups only interact
among themselves. As a case in point, a black friend of mine who lives in
London visited family in Florida. My friend said that during the month she
was there, they went everywhere; shopping centers, bars discos,
restaurants, parks, and that they only time they saw white people was at
the airport.
	I, for one, would not like my view of the web managed so that I
only saw what somebody thought was relevant to me. 

Garey Mills
Library Systems Office
UC Berkeley 

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