[WEB4LIB] filemap

Euan Morton euan.morton at xrxgsn.com
Wed Jun 19 15:05:51 EDT 2002

The Website that I am now a developer on (largish size) needs some cleaning
up for various reasons, and rather than site maps/indexes I am interested to
know if anyone is aware of a good way to construct a file map which shows
which files are called by which other files on the site in the code as
opposed to in the browser. Thank you.


Euan Morton, CIBER @ Xerox
Web Developer, Xerox Global Service Net
ICQ: 104325610 - http://home.rochester.rr.com/acode/
Astronomicon '02, Rochester's own SF convention, Nov 1-3, 2002

"Most people don't realise how important librarians are.
I ran across a book recently which suggested that the
peace and prosperity of a culture was solely related to
how many librarians it contained. Possibly a slight
overstatement, but a culture that doesn't value its
librarians doesn't value ideas and without ideas,
well, where are we ?"
Lucien the Librarian of the Library of Dream
from Neil Gaiman's Sandman series:

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