Seeking current AltaVista Search customers

Richard Wiggins rich at
Tue Jul 23 11:03:25 EDT 2002

We are considering making Google our default campus search engine,
deprecating our local AltaVista service.  I'm seeking institutions that use
AltaVista software (either the AltaVista Search product or the new AltaVista
Enterprise product).

I'm especially hoping to find library or university sites that use AltaVista
as an end-user search tool -- and that are still paying maintenance on the
product.  However, I'd love to hear from ANY customer -- law firm library,
public library, auto company, whatever -- that uses AltaVista software.

A few months ago I asked the company to provide me with a list of current
university customers.  They gave me two; one has since switched to
Ultraseek, and the other wants to switch to Google but hasn't because they
made a local investment in AV.

Please send me a private note and if I get responses I'll summarize.


Richard Wiggins
Writing, Speaking, and Consulting on Internet Topics
rich at     

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