Font use in browsers

Walt_Crawford at Walt_Crawford at
Tue Jan 15 16:29:01 EST 2002

A recent query on browser type sizes reminded me of something I've been
wondering about for some time.

Think of this as a mini-poll. Send answers directly to me
(wcc at and I'll summarize for the list.
Responses by January 31?

1. Do you know how to change the font in your browser? ("Web page font" in
Internet explorer, "Variable Width Font" in Netscape)

2. Have you changed the font?

3. If you have public Internet PCs, has the font been changed in those

--and, as an entirely optional bonus question (the first three represent my
primary concern)--

4. If you have changed the font (or if the public PC font has been
changed), what did you change it to?

Comments welcome as always--and let me know if you'd rather not be quoted
by name in a venue other than Web4Lib.

-walt crawford, wcc at

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