non-SGML characters

Robert Sullivan scp_sulli at
Fri Feb 1 11:48:54 EST 2002

>Robert, I've always heard that the <?xml> prologue can be problematic to
>some browsers. So I've always used the <meta http-equiv> tag to declare
>the charset. Now that I've cleaned up those few characters, my pages
>validate without problem, even without the <?xml> tag.

I have also heard the warning about <?xml>, but it hasn't caused problems in my
testing with assorted Windows browsers.  I don't have a net-connected Mac to

I checked the XHTML reference I have at hand (Steven Holzner's _XHTML Black
Book_) and it says, "This processing instruction can be omitted, but W3C
recommends that you use it."  I didn't want to have to add it in to a few
thousand pages in case they change their mind. :-)

Bob Sullivan                               scp_sulli at
Schenectady County Public Library (NY)

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