img ALT attribute in NS 6.2.x

Kenneth Irwin kirwin at
Mon Apr 8 09:23:27 EDT 2002

Hi all,

Does anyone know what Netscape 6.2 is doing with the ALT attribute in an 
IMG tag? I've recently loaded 6.2.1 at work and 6.2.2 at home, and neither 
seem to display the alt tag as a mouseover-message when an image loads. I 
suppose the "mandate" of the ALT attribute is to provide information when 
the image isn't available, but it's often used as a "hidden caption" -- 
functionality that's been supported in IE, Netscape 4.x and I think also 
Opera until now. (I don't know about NS 6.0.x and 6.1.x as I uninstalled 
them pretty soon after loading them...)

I should think the change will make a difference for many folks; I don't 
often use it to convey additional information that I expect image-users to 
need, but I do sometimes use it for handy "extras".

I thought maybe there was a NS preference to govern ALT handling, but I 
don't see one. Anyone know what's up with this?


Ken Irwin                                               kirwin at
Reference/Electronic Resources Librarian        (937) 327-7594
Thomas Library, Wittenberg University

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