webpage counter

Jenny Paradiso jennyp at wtcc.sa.gov.au
Fri Sep 21 04:05:40 EDT 2001

I'm passing this message on to you all on behalf of our web administrator who is trying to help us set up counters on our library pages....

Can anyone recommend a webpage counter that does not involve subscribing to a provider?

What we want to achieve are individual counters for a number of separate web pages on the same site.

Ideally we are looking for a script that is user friendly and does not involve SSI (Server Side Includes).  

A javascript, if one exists, would be preferable otherwise a perl/cgi script although we can also use PHP and Python. 

Thanks in advance,


Jenny Paradiso
Librarian, Information Technology

West Torrens Libraries
Brooker Terrace
HILTON  SA  5033
Ph: (08) 8416 6255
Fax: (08) 8234 5170
email: jparadis at wtcc.sa.gov.au

West Torrens Libraries... learn, grow and enjoy!

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