[WEB4LIB] Re: database links within frame

Jerry Kuntz jkuntz at ansernet.rcls.org
Wed Oct 17 06:58:28 EDT 2001

I used to think "framing" was an abomination, until we tried to configure workstations locked down to access licensed database sites only. The Enyclopedia Britannica Online service prominently features the Britannica Web Guide, a catalog to thousands of web sites. It accesses them through frames. Our lockdown method (Public Web Browser's OnlyAccess.txt file) allows those frames to display. Had EB used new windows, we'd have to set up those thousands of domain names...
Whether this work through a lockdown via a proxy server, I don't know.

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Rachel Singer Gordon" <rsinger at linc.lib.il.us>
Reply-To: rsinger at linc.lib.il.us
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2001 09:52:48 -0700 (PDT)

>Also think about the usability of this -- some of the Gale databases,
>at least, already use up a big chunk of the left side of the screen
>for their own menus. If you put their databases inside a frame you
>have very little room left for the actual content on the right-hand
>side after your frame and their navigation. Think of us poor schlubs
>who still have 15" monitors :).
>- Rachel
>>> Looks like I said that wrong. An example of what I mean would be a
>>> link in a left-hand frame causes the linked site to appear in a
>>> right-hand frame. Gives the illusion of still being at the 
>>> web site.
>Rachel Singer Gordon / rsinger at linc.lib.il.us
>Head, Computer Services / Franklin Park Library

Jerry Kuntz
Electronic Resources Consultant
Ramapo Catskill Library System
jkuntz at rcls.org


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