Live Video and Audio

Jorge Biquez jbiquez at
Tue Nov 13 10:07:35 EST 2001

Hello all.

I was wondering if you could share your experiences on implementing live 
real and videos streaming.
We have a project where we want to transmit videos with previous classes , 
conferences or any important information to people who missed it.

We have seen similar things using Quicktime, Real Video/Audio or the 
similar Microsoft Technology (forgot the name of the product sorry).
We have the budget for the software already but we want to invest in the 
best solution.

Can Anyone share their experiences?

Thanks in advance.

LSCA. Jorge Enrique Biquez Alvarez
Integracion de Comercio y Servicios
jbiquez at

Homero 1610 PB
Col. Los Morales Polanco
CP 11510 (frente a Pabellon Polanco)
Mexico DF
Tels. +525 2821012, +525 2820779, +525 2820289

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