Statistics on non-Boolean searches

Roy Tennant roy.tennant at
Tue Mar 20 13:40:39 EST 2001

Forwarded by request of "Rita Vine" <rita at>, please 
do not reply to me. Thanks,

>Reply-To: <rita at>
>From: "Rita Vine" <rita at>
>I'm looking for statistics from libraries or database vendors that 
>indicate the percentage of search queries in LICENSED databases that 
>are SINGLE KEYWORD  or SIMPLE PHRASE searches as opposed to Boolean 
>searches.  Does anyone have those types of stats from their 
>libraries that they could share?
>I'm working on an article contrasting end user search behavior 
>against Boolean capabilities of search tools to try to draw some 
>conclusions... I've heard third hand reports that the percentage of 
>single keyword/simple phrase searches is very high, but some stats 
>would help!
>Thank you! (Please reply to me offlist as I am not a member of WEB4LIB)
>Rita Vine, MA, MLS
>1235 Bay Street, Suite 1000
>Toronto ON M5R 3K4 Canada
>V: (416) 928-1405
>F: (416) 928-2903

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