IIS 5 site search

Donald Barclay dbarclay at library.tmc.edu
Mon Mar 12 15:01:16 EST 2001

I'm posting this on behalf of a colleague (Jeremy.Corry at uth.tmc.edu) who is
not a member of the list. The answer to his question should be of interest
to members of the list, however.

Donald A. Barclay
Houston Academy of Medicine-
Texas Medical Center Library                  always the beautiful answer
dbarclay at library.tmc.edu                      who asks a more beautiful
713-799-7120                                            --e.e. cummings

> -----Original Message-----
[Headers stripped]
> I recently upgraded my web server from NT 4.0 with IIS 4 to Windows
> 2000 with IIS 5. It was relatively painless and most everything is
> working with one exception.
> The IIS 4 installation came with sample files, including one for
> building web site search functions. I modified those samples and had
> search working correctly on my site.
> Since the upgrade the search functions do not work. I have looked
> through the IIS 5 installed files and there are some sample files, but
> they are all ASP and other script files. I've searched through the IIS
> help and can find nothing. I've also searched the Microsoft
> Knowledgebase and can find nothing.
> Does anyone know how to do this or where I can go to look it up?
> thanks,
> --
> Jeremy Corry, B.S., M.P.H.
> Information Systems Manager
> Pathology and Neurology departments
> University of Texas-Health Sciences Center at Houston

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