Deep Freeze/Clean Slate comparison

Vicki Falkland library at
Tue Mar 6 22:42:05 EST 2001

Hi folks,

I am currently running Fortres101 on our public access machines. 
It will soon be necessary for me to implement some sort of security on
similar machines on another campus. 
I will not be there to monitor/maintain the computers (and am not using
"Central Control"), so I thought one of those
-type security programs would suffice.

Has anyone used both Deep Freeze and Clean Slate? ... any
comparisons/advice please in terms of ease of use and long-distance
maintenance would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

J.W. Grieve Library
Royal Children's Hospital
Flemington Rd
Parkville, VIC, 3052
ph: 61 3 9345 5108
fax: 61 3 9347 8421
email: library at

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