CSS and Bulleted List

Maribeth Manoff manoff at aztec.lib.utk.edu
Wed Jun 27 11:18:52 EDT 2001

I am thinking that this question has a simple and obvious answer, but I
am relatively new to CSS, and can't seem to find it.  What I want to do
is to create a bulleted list that 1) Does not have the extra line break
preceding it.
                   2) Is not indented.
Does anyone have any tips on how to do this using CSS?

Thanks very much -- Maribeth

Maribeth Manoff
Coordinator for Networked Service Integration
647 Hodges Library               mmanoff at utk.edu
The University of Tennessee      voice: 865-974-2876
Knoxville, TN 37996-1000         fax: 865-974-0626

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