[WEB4LIB] Windows 2000 restrictions

Jane Frasier jfrasier at jefferson.lib.co.us
Fri Jun 1 17:33:41 EDT 2001

Use Group Policy.  There is a setting there under User configuration |
Administrative Templates | Windows Components | WIndows Explorer | Hide
these specified drives in My Computer.

Currently we are setting a number of restrictions on the local computer's
group policy because we don't have our Windows 2000 servers and active
directory implemented yet.

Jane Frasier
Software Support Specialist
Jefferson County (CO) Public Library

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tom Edelblute [mailto:thomas at anaheim.lib.ca.us]
> Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 2:59 PM
> To: Multiple recipients of list
> Subject: [WEB4LIB] Windows 2000 restrictions
> We are in the process of converting over from the Windows NT security
> with the server System Policy Editor to Windows 2000 security with the
> Active Directory etc..  The one thing we have not figured out 
> how to do
> yet is restrict access to the My Computer icon.
> In Windows NT we were able to remove the C:\ drive acces using System
> Policy editor, and are looking to do the same thing in 2000.  
> So far the
> only thing we can find is a registry change on the client 
> machines, not
> a parameter in the server.
> Have any of you that have set up Windows 2000 servers done 
> anything like
> that yet?
> -- 
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Tom Edelblute
> Public Access Systems Coordinator
> Anaheim Public Library   phone: (714) 765-1759
> 500 West Broadway        fax:   (714) 765-1730
> Anaheim CA 92805         e-mail: thomas at anaheim.lib.ca.us

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