[WEB4LIB] RE: SirCam Virus

Tony Barry me at Tony-Barry.emu.id.au
Thu Jul 26 01:18:42 EDT 2001

At 8:01 AM -0700 25/7/01, Dobbs, Aaron wrote:
>  Meaning: it's more than just another outlook virus.

True. It's another Microsoft only virus. My recollection is that 
there are about 60,000 viruses. About 40 effect MacOS, about the same 
for the various flavors of unix and the other 59,920 or thereabouts 
only effect Microsoft products.

Yet we shell out money to protect us from attack without blaming the 
vendor, Microsoft, or trying to reclaim the cost of protection, 
damage and repair from them.

Would this be tolerated in any other industry?

phone  +61 2 6241 7659
mailto:me at Tony-Barry.emu.id.au

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