[WEB4LIB] Re: Dreamweaver and FrontPage

Margaret Escherich esche_ma at oaklandlibrary.org
Fri Jul 6 16:23:29 EDT 2001

Bear in mind, however, that even after using the FP code clean-up extension,
you will probably want to go back and check that it did what you wanted it
to do.  I have decided that it works better to clean up my pages
individually, rather than use the blanket site command, because a) it
doesn't catch everything, and b) sometimes it leaves your page looking a
little odd!

Best of luck.  We found it not the easiest or fastest transition, FP to
Dreamweaver, but we are VERY glad we decided to do it, in the long run.


 Margaret Escherich Hazel
 Senior Librarian/Webmistress
 Oakland Public Library

> -----Original Message-----
> From: web4lib at webjunction.org
> [mailto:web4lib at webjunction.org]On Behalf Of Kevin W. Bishop
> Sent: Friday, July 06, 2001 7:37 AM
> Hey Bill,
> I haven't yet received my copy of DW4, so I'm a little surprised it isn't
> built in already ... but a "Clean Up Front Page Code"
> command?  Absolutely!  Go to www.macromedia.com and follow the path:
> Products > Dreamweaver 4 > Dreamweaver Exchange
> You'll have to register to download a copy of the Extension Manager, but
> then every extension built for DW is free and available to you.  (The
> instructions are generally self-explanatory.)  In fact, there is
> an entire
> "Front Page Migration Kit."  From their site:
> ---
> ---
> Hope this helps.
> -kb
> At 07:24 AM 7/6/01 -0700, you wrote:
> >I just downloaded Dreamweaver and am attempting to use it to work on the
> >Wireless Librarian website.  I had originally created that website using
> >FrontPage.  Is there an easy way to use Dreamweaver to get rid of the
> >FrontPage specific code and create a better navigation menu?  Thanks.
> >X-Listprocessor-Version: 6.0c -- ListProcessor by Anastasios Kotsikonas
> >X-Comment: Web4Lib Information - http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/Web4Lib/
> >
> >Wilfred (Bill) Drew
> >Associate Librarian, Systems and Reference
> <bishopk at rpi.edu> | <http://www.rpi.edu/rpinfo/>
> (snip)

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