Dreamweaver and FrontPage

Drew, Bill drewwe at MORRISVILLE.EDU
Fri Jul 6 10:16:24 EDT 2001

I just downloaded Dreamweaver and am attempting to use it to work on the
Wireless Librarian website.  I had originally created that website using
FrontPage.  Is there an easy way to use Dreamweaver to get rid of the
FrontPage specific code and create a better navigation menu?  Thanks.

Wilfred (Bill) Drew
Associate Librarian, Systems and Reference
SUNY Morrisville College Library 
E-mail: mailto:drewwe at morrisville.edu 
BillDrew.Net: http://billdrew.net/ 
Not Just Cows: http://people.morrisville.edu/~drewwe/njc/ 
Library: http://www.morrisville.edu/library/ 
Wireless Librarian: http://people.morrisville.edu/~drewwe/wireless/
Have Laptop -- Will Travel. 
"I thought I made a mistake once, but I was wrong." 


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