[WEB4LIB] Chat-Reference: HumanClick

Dan Lester dan at riverofdata.com
Wed Jan 31 14:47:48 EST 2001

Wednesday, January 31, 2001, 10:33:27 AM, you wrote:

LRK> Dear Colleages:

LRK> Has anyone here had any experience with the online chat software HumanClick
LRK> <http://www.humanclick.com>?  Administration here has decided to put it on
LRK> our site and I'm the lucky fellow who has to figure out how to implement
LRK> the thing.  At the moment, I'm not as much concerned about server-side
LRK> issues as how it behaves client-side.  (For thems that don't know: The
LRK> thing works through javascript on the client's browser.)  Anyway, any
LRK> experiences?

Boise State has done some beta testing with the free version, though
if we went live, we'd probably choose one of the pay versions.  It
works well.  The chats go via the humanclick server, so there can be
delays, depending on your net connection and traffic.  It seems very
fast at the hc end.  You've already seen the reference to Gerry's list
of sites using it and the competition.  Most use hc, probably because
the free version is adequate for many (or because libraries are
cheap). I'd recommend you download and install it. It only takes a few
minutes.  Put it on a web page and ask staff to try it out with you.
Click on between 315 and 530 pm Mountain Time today,
Wednesday, and I'll be here to chat with you.

We had some problems at first due to a campus caching server (it
showed that all campus users came from that ip, so it got confused as
to who I was chatting with).  We now exclude hc from caching.


Dan Lester, Data Wrangler  dan at RiverOfData.com
3577 East Pecan, Boise, Idaho  83716-7115 USA
www.riverofdata.com  www.postcard.org  www.gailndan.com 

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