[WEB4LIB] Re: checking link content

Tim Knight TKnight at lsuc.on.ca
Tue Dec 11 09:47:06 EST 2001

Not sure if anyone mentioned this, but MindIt
<http://mindit.netmind.com/> checks pages for changes.  Originally,
intended I think to alert you to any updates occurring on the site. 
Would probably work for this problem as well.  It's a free service with
the main drawback being that you need to enter each site one by one
which is time consuming.  They may have a version available for purchase
that would allow batch loads (?).  


F. Tim Knight, Cataloguing Team Leader
Great Library, The Law Society of Upper Canada
tknight at lsuc.on.ca     (416) 947-7600, ext. 2278
Fax: (416) 869-0331  

>>> Dan Lester <dan at riverofdata.com> 12/08/01 08:17PM >>>
Friday, December 07, 2001, 3:54:05 PM, you wrote:

This is the key to this discussion.  Sure, you could check them all
manually.  Sure, you could develop software that would do some content
checking and maybe catch a few.  But the real story is that the reason

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