LACASIS Event: Managing, Accessing, Sharing & Developing Digital Resources

Linda Salem lilsalem at
Mon Aug 6 10:08:36 EDT 2001

Los Angeles Chapter (LACASIS) of the American Society for Information
Science & Technology

California’s Gold:

Nuggets on Managing, Accessing, Sharing & Developing Digital Resources

Friday, September 21, 2001, 9:00 am to 3:30 pm,
Beckman Hall, Chapman University, Orange, CA

This annual LACASIS workshop provides attendees with the opportunity to
learn more about the latest technologies for managing, accessing,
sharing, & developing digital resources. Network with colleagues and
learn from those who are also "exploring and mining" information
resources and "constructing" information architecture.
Lucy Wegner, library director of The Rand Corporation, is the keynote
speaker and other speakers will discuss and provide real scenario
details -- "nuggets" -- about:

Cataloging Internet Resources for today and tomorrow
Developing Custom Gateways - intranets, portals, My Library
SFX - context-sensitive linking between Web resources
OpenURL -- an emerging standard for transporting metadata from an info
resource to a service component
Resource Sharing -- within & beyond other types of libraries

Registration (Postmarked After August 24): $75.00
Early Bird (Postmarked On or Before August 24):
$50.00 (members)
$65.00 (non-members)
$165.00 (non-members save $15 when you register for both the workshop
$50 & ASIST membership $115)

Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. Morning coffee, breakfast rolls,
luncheon and afternoon break included in registration. Directions and
parking information will be sent to registrants.
Reservations: Send this form and payment to: Sally McCoy, P.O. Box 5184,
Laguna Beach, CA, 92652
(949) 497-6227 -- OR -- register online at
Make check Payable to: LACASIS


DAYTIME PHONE: _____________________

E-MAIL ADDRESS: ____________________________

LACASIS Member: Y N Student: Y N First LACASIS Event : Y N

AMOUNT ENCLOSED: ___________

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