Sept 11: Readers Advisory - Evaluating Materials Workshop-

Mary Conroy mconroy at
Thu Aug 2 18:40:06 EDT 2001

***OHIONET Workshop***

Readers Advisory: Evaluating Materials

        Instructor:Miriam Kahn
        Date: September 11, 2001
        Time:   9:30AM - 3:30 PM
        Location: OHIONET, 1500 West Lane Ave, Columbus Ohio

        Are you recommending the same books all the time? Do you want
guidance in deciding what books to recommend in subject areas and genre that
are not in your own reading repetoire? This course is designed to assist in
evaluating books in print and in audio formats. Expand your expertise beyond
fiction to popular non-fiction and audio books. Refresh your knowledge of
review sources, print and internet, readers advisory sources and selection
tools. Explore new genre and ignite your curiosity and thirst for the new,
novel and informative books. Goals: Review traditional Readers Advisory
tools; explore internet resources for reviews of fiction, non-fiction and
audiobooks; apply evaluation tools.

        Any library staff member who provides book selection advice to
patrons, or is involved in promoting reading and books.         Participants
should have familiarity using MS Explorer or other web browsers.

        $60 for members (INFOhio members should prepay)
        $95 for non OHIONET members (must prepay)


Contact Barb mailto:barb at  if you have questions about
registration or confirmations.

Mary Mlynar Conroy
Library Services Coordinator
OHIONET, 1500 West Lane Ave, Columbus OH 43221
Fax 614/486-1527  voice 800/686-8975 or  614/486-2966 ext 16
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