Need list of HTML Editors that "remove spurious characters"

David Merchant merchant at LATECH.EDU
Thu Aug 30 10:37:51 EDT 2001

[also posted to the ADV-HTML list <> ]

The latest HTML Assistant Pro 2000 <> has a "Remove 
spurious characters" filter in it. As they explain:

         "Hidden, or spurious, characters in your text can cause 
unpredictable results
         with editors, browsers, and other programs that display or process it.

         This filter will remove hidden characters (those with ASCII values 
less than 32) from your text.

         This includes the UNIX end of line character (ASCII 10), but not 
         of line character pair (ASCII 13 + ASCII 10).

         You will be able to 'Undo' this operation."

Are there any other HTML editors out there that do the same thing 
(freeware, shareware, and/or commercial)? I am compiling a list for a book 
I'm writing. Please email me off-list, I will send a summary to the list.


Head, Systems Dept, Louisiana Tech University
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