Why eBooks and When?

Andrew Mutch amutch at waterford.lib.mi.us
Tue Aug 28 15:46:45 EDT 2001

I think eBooks will take off when we see the titles that can truly offer
something over and above what the normal printed book can do.  The types of
titles that I think have great eBook potential are things like Children's
picture books and graphic novels for teens.  How many libraries have Children's
stories on CD where the story incorporates music, video and interactive
features?  Many are based on traditional print stories but have been turned
into multimedia experiences where kids are willing to sit in from of a computer
for an extended period of time to read or be read to. Why couldn't this same
experience be available in an eBook?  Without that "edge" as many people have
noted, there is no compelling reason to read eBooks versus a printed book and
many reasons not to do so.  This type of eBook title could justify the cost of
the specialized hardware many people associate with eBooks.  I think we will
continue to see growth in the digital reference titles and as more students use
eTextbooks, the demand for these titles will increase.  But I agree, anyone
into eBooks better be in for the long haul.

Andrew Mutch
Library Systems Technician
Waterford Township Public Library
Waterford, MI

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