_SciELO: Scientific Electronic Library Online _

Gerry Mckiernan GMCKIERN at gwgate.lib.iastate.edu
Mon Apr 9 13:39:37 EDT 2001

                   _ SciELO: Scientific Electronic Library Online _

  I've learned of a most impressive virtual library of full-text Brazilian e-journals
called     _ SciELO: Scientific Electronic Library Online _
[ http://www.scielo.br/ ]  The colllection includes journals in all subject areas.

   An alphabetical list, subject list, and search form for the journals in this collection is available, as are author and subject indexes and a search form 
for author and subject searching.

  In general, coverage is available for the most recent few years.

/Gerry McKiernan
Carnaval Librarian
Iowa State University 
Ames IA 50011

gerrymck at iastate.edu 

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