[WEB4LIB] XHTML and css

Eric Hellman eric at openly.com
Thu Sep 28 00:34:16 EDT 2000


the href attribute uses the conventions for relative urls. (the home 
page URL is http://www.w3.org/)


At 2:50 PM -0700 9/26/00, John Creech wrote:
>Dear Webfolk,
>To those of y'all in the know re: xhtml and style sheets, how does one
>locate a style sheet on an xhtml site?  More specifically, if I go to
>www.w3.org/index.html/ and view the page source, I see
><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="StyleSheets/home" />
>How do I call the sheet(s) being used in order to look at it/them?
>TIA, a bunch.
>John Creech
>Electronic Resources & Systems Librarian
>Central Washington University Library
>400 E. 8th Ave. | Ellensburg, WA 98926 |
>office - 509-963-1081 || fax - 509-963-3684
>creechj at www.lib.cwu.edu

Eric Hellman
Openly Informatics, Inc.
http://www.openly.com/           21st Century Information Infrastructure
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