[WEB4LIB] Gates pc's and CybraryN network installation

Donna Schumann schumann at timberland.lib.wa.us
Mon Sep 18 23:12:54 EDT 2000

Sandra - did you check that Everyone has been grated access in both the
file permissions and the share permissions on the shared folder? 

Donna Schumann, Computer Application Specialist
Timberland Regional Library, 415 Airdustrial Way SW, Olympia, WA 98501
schumann at timberland.lib.wa.us     V: 360-704-4542     F: 360-586-6838

On Mon, 18 Sep 2000, Sandra Sanchez wrote:

> Troubleshooting help needed-   Windows NT / Gates/ Standalone computers
> We recently installed CybraryN timeout/login software on our Bill and
> Melinda Gates computers  and have experienced some problems with the network
> setup.  I am hoping someone out there could suggest some possible
> olutions  - CybraryN and Gates support were unable to help.
> Problem:
> After setting up CybraryN for a network* installation, we were able to
> successfully use the CybraryN program only when logged in as an
> ADMINISTRATOR.  When logged into the "ALL" profile on a Gates pc, the
> CybraryN program was not allowed to access the files stored on the remote
> server (access denied).
> Note:  The remote folder had been shared - "everyone" allowed "Full
> Control". The network drive was then mapped to the remote folder - reconnect
> at logon was selected.
> *Network installation of CybraryN consists of simply changing the default
> directory location to a common shared drive on a network
> _____________
> I would truly appreciate any suggestion!  The problem seems to be file
> "permissions," so if you've setup ANY type of software on a Gates PC that
> requires remote file access, I'd love to hear from you.
> I will post the solution directly to this list (and copy to Gates and
> CybraryN technical support) once the problem is solved.
> Sandra Sanchez
> A.K. Smiley Public Library
> Redlands, Ca. 92373
> ssanchez at akspl.org

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