Active X

Lynn Schlatter lschlatt at
Fri Sep 15 14:28:35 EDT 2000

Lately, we've been getting what seem to be random Active X errors on our
public use computers.  I say "random" because this message:

	"An unsafe Active X control has been found on this page. This page may not
display properly."

will appear on a Web Page like Yahoo! or MSN one day, but not the next.
We're not making any configuration changes between one occurence and the
next (these are NT workstations using a roaming profile), just shutting
down the machines for the night and bringing them back up in the morning.

Is it possible that this message might actually indicate a non Active X
problem?  Has anyone else seen anything like it?

	Lynn Schlatter
	Instructional Coordinator
	Shreve Memorial Library

	Beware of Gohip - the state of the art in "Ebola marketing."

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