Splash Pages: Judicious Use

Kevin Nolan nolan at adelphi.edu
Fri Sep 15 12:23:25 EDT 2000

Most Web people I know discourage the use of splash pages. I too think they are for the most part unnecessary. 

That said, like any Web design component, if used properly and judiciously, splash pages can be useful from an informational/content point of view. The key is to not allow splash pages to serve a PR or advertising function solely. 

Here is an example of a promotional use of a splash page that is at the same time informative: www.stjohns.edu. 

>From a PR/advertising perspective: It allows prospective students to "witness" what is going on at St. John's. 
>From an informational/content perspective: It informs the campus community about a major University event.

Libraries could of course do the same thing, i.e. promote major library events or programs.

Of course, a library or university needs to be choosy re: which events are worthy of being promoted on the splash page. And that may result in some serious internal political battles. 

kevin nolan
web site editorial director
e-mail: nolan at adelphi.edu 

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