[WEB4LIB] Re: counting use of resources

Pecaut, Mark J. PecautM at missouri.edu
Thu Oct 12 11:07:53 EDT 2000

You could also use http://greenspun.com/click/ and they will count the
clickthroughs for you.
This is run by Philip Greenspun.

-----Original Message-----
From: Araby Greene
To: Multiple recipients of list
Sent: 10/12/00 9:00 AM
Subject: [WEB4LIB] Re: counting use of resources

If your web host allows ASP or CGI, you could use one of the following
solutions, without hacking a banner ad script or opening a window.

1. Redirect the URL to a small .asp file that contains no HTML,
increments a
count in an Access (or other database) or adds a row for a new URL. The
code, small, works great, and easily adaptable, is available from:
For each click you want to track, you have to modify the URL slightly to
to the ASP script first, then out to it's destination.

2. You can also use Perl/cgi to increment a count in a simple table. A
script is available at
Statistics/ and look for Click Count, ver 1.22.
This script is well thought out, and has been around a while.

Hope this helps.
Araby Greene

Araby Greene
Web Development Librarian
Getchell Library | http://www.library.unr.edu/
784-6500 ext. 343 | araby at unr.edu

----- Original Message -----
From: "Isabel Danforth" <danforth at tiac.net>
To: "Multiple recipients of list" <web4lib at webjunction.org>
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2000 5:02 AM
Subject: [WEB4LIB] counting use of resources

> We have a page which contains links to a variety of remote databases.
> of these products do not provide us with statistics and we would like
> least get a count of how many people use them.
> Our web hosting site allows us to run analog against the log files and
> counts of how many people hit a page.  Using that tool, I can see a
way to
> collect some counts.
> Scenario 1)
> open for very short time a window that would automatically then go to
> designated URL for the electronic resource.
> Scenario 2)
> Open a small help window for the resource as well as going to the
> electronic resource.  The problem with this one, is that I am sure I
> be left with some of those small windows left open.
> Does anyone have any other suggestions or ideas?  I would appreciate
> help here.
> Thanks in advance.
> Isabel
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Isabel L. Danforth
> danforth at tiac.net
> Russell Library - Middletown, CT
> http://www.lioninc.org/russell/
> Coordinator of Librarians' Online Support Team
> http://gnacademy.tzo.org/lost/
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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