[WEB4LIB] Does this exist?

Richard Wiggins wiggins at mail.com
Sat Nov 25 19:13:50 EST 2000

Hi Karen,

Check out Media Center Plus from JASC.  They are the folks that did Paint Shop Pro.  This tool builds albums, does thumbnails, slide shows, and HTML export.

Would you let us know what you end up using and how well it accomplishes your objectives?

Good luck,


------Original Message------
From: "Karen G. Schneider" <kgs at bluehighways.com>
To: Multiple recipients of list <web4lib at webjunction.org>
Sent: November 25, 2000 8:50:21 PM GMT
Subject: [WEB4LIB] Does this exist?

I have close to 100 photographs of library interiors that I would like to
organize into a web-based resource for presentations to trustees, the
public, etc.  All of these photographs are already in some digital form or
another--either scanned, or in a proprietary format that can export to JPEG
or PNG (or GIF), etc. They are also mine (photographed with permission from
the libraries, too).

Assuming that the pictures are first exported in whatever format is most
reasonable, I would then like to use a tool to do the following:

* Resize them to a standard size and resolution
* Provide a little cataloging information for each item that would display
on the web (e.g. "37.  Computer Lab, Petticoat Junction, NY, 1998")
* Organize them into a web-based slide show in tolerable HTML

We also don't want to commit any in-house resources to developing such a
product--we want to buy a piece of software.

Is this up there with my desire for a self-cleaning carpet, or does
something like this actually exist?  I guess it wouldn't absolutely,
positively have to be a web-based tool, but that would be highly desirable.
(And it does keep it on-topic for WEB4LIB...)

Karen G. Schneider kgs at bluehighways.com
Assistant Director for Technology
Shenendehowa Public Library, NY
Richard Wiggins
Consulting, Writing & Training on Internet Topics
www.netfact.com/rww         wiggins at mail.com
517-349-6919 (home office)  517-353-4955 (work)  
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