Library web site organization

George Porter george at
Fri Nov 3 19:11:05 EST 2000

We've wrestled with presentation/organization issues at Caltech, as well.
The current approach is present several nonexclusive pathways.  On the main
page <>, there are several major areas delineated
with tables including: Locate Book, Databases, General Reference (with many
subdivisions visible and linked), Online Journals (searchable and
browsable), and Subject-Specific Reference.

Subject-Specific Reference is mapped onto the departmental/divisional
groupings on campus.  The campus is our primary audience and librarians have
specific liaison responsibilities to these groups.  Each subject librarian
has responsibility for the content and maintenance of their web pages within
this area.  Many, but not all, of the departments provide links on their own
primary web page to the librarian's efforts on their behalf.

The General Reference materials are grouped according to loose content
categories.  The categories have evolved as worthwhile resources have been

Nowhere in our website do we discriminate between paid and free Internet
materials.  The single issue weighed by the librarians in choosing resources
is whether or not a particular resource will be of interest/assistance to
their target audience.  Hence, among databases, Web of Science, GeoRef, and
INSPEC share space with free databases including NASA RECONselect and

George S. Porter
Sherman Fairchild Library of Engineering & Applied Science
Caltech, 1-43
Pasadena, CA  91125-4300
Telephone (626) 395-3409 Fax (626) 431-2681

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