Internet Explorer and Graphics

Robert Sullivan SCP_SULLI at
Tue May 23 09:50:02 EDT 2000

>We have Internet Explorer 5.01 installed on our public Internet
>stations.  Our security product, StormWindows, denies patrons access to
>the Internet Options under the Tools menu.  However, someone is still
>finding a way to disable the "show pictures" property which, as far as I
>know, can only be accessed under Internet Options - Advanced -
>Multimedia.  This is frustrating for the librarians because patrons
>can't figure out why the graphics won't display and they can't access
>the Internet Options menu to re-enable it with out disabling the
>security, etc.

I don't know if you can check to see how permissions are assigned under
StormWindows, but IO settings are controlled by C:\Winnt\System32\inetcpl.cpl
(or the equivalent under 95/98).  If your control panels are not protected and
they can navigate to them, that might do it.

No ideas on hot keys.  The Registry setting you want to protect is

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Display Inline

It is set to "yes" by default, so if it hasn't been changed you may not see
that specific value.  Set the Main key to read-only (or the whole IE subtree,
which works great for us) and you shouldn't have any more problems.

Bob Sullivan                               scp_sulli at
Schenectady County Public Library (NY)

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