Houston Conference on Health Informatics Webcast--More Info

Donald A. Barclay dbarclay at library.tmc.edu
Fri May 19 09:42:12 EDT 2000

In my earlier message about the June 5th live Webcast of the Houston 
Conference on Health Informatics, I neglected to mention that you will need 
the free RealPlayer software (as well as a sound card and speakers or 
headphones or <<extremely>> sensitive hearing) to see and hear the Webcast. 
I've added this information, as well as a link to the RealPlayer download 
site, to the conference Webpage at:


The Webcast is free to all, with no registration required.

A lot of folks on Web4Lib have expressed an interest in the technology we 
are using to present this Webcast. After we have successfully (Ulp!) pulled 
off the Webcast, I will post a message on how we did it, what equipment is 
required, and how much it all costs. If the Webcast is not successful, I'm 
retiring to a monastery in Nepal (Ohmmmm!) and you'll never hear from me 

Donald A. Barclay
Houston Academy of Medicine-
Texas Medical Center Library                                      always 
the beautiful answer
dbarclay at library.tmc.edu                                               who 
asks a more beautiful question
--e. e. cummings

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