Idea for college newsletter

Drew, Bill drewwe at morrisville.EDU
Fri May 5 13:21:39 EDT 2000

Our college has a weekly paper newsletter that goes out to all staff,
students, and faculty via campus mail.  Items are submitted for inclusion in
it.  I have an idea for a weekly library item, Search Tips.  It would be two
or three short paragraphs on using features of various search tools or
database that the library subscribes to.  One example might be on how to
access only peer reviewed journals through Expanded Academic Index from Gale
(was IAC).  These tips would be collected on a webpage as well.  Anyone
doing such a thing?  Any URLs to such a page so I can get ideas?  I will
compile and share the results I get.  Please don't ask me to send them to
you.  I will post them here.

Wilfred (Bill) Drew 
Associate Librarian, Systems and Reference 
SUNY Morrisville College Library 
drewwe at 
Not Just Cows: 
Have Laptop -- Will Travel. 

Information is the manager's main tool, indeed the manager's "capital," and
it is he who must decide what information he needs and how to use it. -
"Managing the Information Explosion" The Wall Street Journal, April 10, 1980

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