Necessary software and training for newbie

Iris Carroll icarroll at
Thu Jun 15 12:58:04 EDT 2000


My name is Iris Carroll and I have just gotten the job of Electronic
Services Librarian at a junior college in California.  I'm very excited
about this position and can't wait to get started later this summer. 

I have experience creating research Web sites but have not created dynamic,
interactive, services-oriented ones.  I have two questions:

1.	What PC software would you consider essential?  I think I would need
some screen capture software for Web tutorials.  Can you recommend any?  I
have always used a plain vanilla text editor in the past, but am ready to
try a good HTML editor.  What would you recommend?  What else should I have
besides the basic office software?

2.	What technical training could you recommend?  Should I start out
with PERL or UNIX?  I have had a few HTML courses over the years and I think
I need something more technical.  I don't think I'll be involved too heavily
in system administration, although I'm sure my job will take me down that
road more than I am anticipating now.

Thanks so much for your help and I can't wait to feel like a fully
functioning member of this group.  Please feel free to respond off-list at
the address below.  Thanks again.

Iris B. Carroll
Chief Librarian
The Modesto Bee
1325 H Street
Modesto, CA 95350
icarroll at

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