[WEB4LIB] Re: Predictions for the next...

Dan Lester dan at 84.com
Thu Jan 6 19:39:09 EST 2000

At 02:02 PM 1/6/00 -0800, John Creech wrote:

>Andrew, give me the sword and I shall swing at that windmill.  I wonder if
>in the coming years we'll see "subscription" alternatives to the 'Net
>based on a rating system akin to movie ratings.

In a sense you already have those.  There are a number of ISPs that filter 
all of their content so that they're family friendly.  Integrity Online, 
Deseret Online, and Mayberry USA are three that come to mind.  I've not 
heard of one that provides ONLY XXX material, but wouldn't surprise me.  o-)



Good, Fast, and Cheap: Which two of the three would you like?
Dan Lester, 3577 East Pecan, Boise, ID 83716 USA 208-383-0165
dan at 84.com   http://www.84.com/  http://www.postcard.org/

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