Storing MSIE Favorites on a network drive

bmenk at bmenk at
Fri Feb 25 10:29:54 EST 2000

We've been using Netscape roughly since time began. For a variety 
of reasons some staff members need to make the shift to MSIE5.

In our current Netscape setup, I set the bookmarks location in the 
registry to point to a file on a network drive so that when staff move 
from their private desk to the ref desk etc. their bookmarks follow 
them and they are always modifying the same bookmark file.

Is there a way to do this using MSIE5? I couldn't see an obvious 
registry setting for this. Perhaps there's an alternate method of 
achieving the same goal?

Advice appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Bobb Menk, Internet Librarian, Lane Memorial Library
Hampton, NH 03842  603-926-3368
bmenk at

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