Netscape "find within page" failures

Michael Reagan mreagan at
Fri Sep 3 15:26:45 EDT 1999

I don't know why, but in my experience Netscape has *always* been unable
to FIND words within a table.  You may also notice that it is impossible
to COPY words within a table as well.  

If someone can explain how this is a *feature* I will be edified. :-)

Michael Reagan   KK6WO                  Internet Database Librarian
mreagan at                        University Library
(818) 677-4391    fax (818)677-4136     California State University
home (626) 449-0996 fax 449-0952        Northridge CA 91330-8327
pager (818) 828-1226          
--... ...-- -.. . de gustibus non est disputandum -.- -.- -.... .-- ---

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