[WEB4LIB] How much RAM do we really need?

Walt Crawford Walt_Crawford at notes.rlg.org
Tue Nov 30 10:43:51 EST 1999

Stepping in nervously, I would note:

System resources aren't directly related to available RAM. The resource pool is,
in part, a fixed stack, even in Win9x. You may have one of two problems, both
more common in Win3.x but still possible in Win9x:

1. Resource hogs, programs that simply grab too much of system resources

2. Resource leaks--such as, notoriously, some versions of Navigator with some
Web sites and Macromedia Director prior to 1998 or so: programs that chew up
more and more resources as you use them, and won't free resources that are no
longer used.

Assuming you have enough swap file space and haven't somehow messed up Windows
9x virtual memory, Windows 9x handles memory very wel: if there isn't enough
RAM, it swaps to disk as needed. Performance would suffer, but you shouldn't get
crashes. Resources are a different story.

[Note: I don't use Netware or, any more, Quattro Pro, so can't speak to their
peculiarities. Regarding Quattro Pro, my experience with other Corel
applications is that they are about as abusive with regard to resources,
stepping on protected memory, and other bizarre behavior as any apps I know
of...but I haven't used Quattro in years.]

Now, let the real experts take over!

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