Britannica subscriber access

Janet Dombrowski jdombrow at
Wed Nov 24 11:44:50 EST 1999

One of my IS guys warned me that traffic coming into Britannica's free service
was likely sharing "pipeline" capacity with subscriber traffic, even if
different servers are used.  I wrote Britannica about this and did not get a
satisfactory response  as to whether subscribers could be given priority access.
I also asked for separate subscriber access to browse Britannica's Internet
Guide and was told it "was fixed" -- NOT what I asked about.

It would seem that Britannica is biting the hands that feed them. Perhaps they
can make more money from advertisers than from subscribers.

Janet Dombrowski, Senior Librarian
National Geographic Society
jdombrow at

 "Drew, Bill" <drewwe at morrisville.EDU> Wrote:

I am really getting frustrated with Britannica Online.  I just did a search
on Cornell University on both the free version and on our paid version.  The
free version was faster and produced many more useful documents.  The paid
version is still searching to restrict my search to the phrase "Cornell
University".  It is taking over 5 minutes to load.

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