Grateful in the majority, or just dead?

Gary E. Masters gmasters at
Thu Nov 18 13:21:07 EST 1999

One popular way to get our of a war is to declare victory and go home.
Another way to finish up a decision is to point out all who have made the
same decision, declare majority and stay home.  Works both ways the same.
Apple has been "dead" for a long time.  But the stock is at its high.  It
can be put on the margin by saying "Well, it is good for graphics, but..."
As Mark Twain said, "The rumor of my death has been greatly exagerated."  I
remember times when others were said to be "dead" but they are still
around.  This includes Microsoft, Oracle, and others.  

The situation is that we are in a time of transition, and perhaps have been
for a long time, now.  The best way to cope is to learn a bit about many
ways to do things and to keep our options open.  I have both Netscape and
Internet Explorer available.  I have tested other browsers and may go to
them more often.  The thing about being in the majorty is that it is not
always the best way.  When we use Word perfect progrms, we miss the
opportunity to experience a lot of viruses directed at Microsoft products.
Future operating systems and expanded capacity, not to mention easier
interaction between programs, will allow more individuality for users and
less pressure to all use the same.  

So you decided to move to IE?  That is fine.  But I don't feel any pressure
to follow.  My job is to decide what is best for my system.  And that
includes letting my users use what they think best, even if support is more
work.  I get paid to do it.

Gary E. Masters
Automated Services Librarian 
(956) 326-2137 (office)
(956)326-2399 (fax)

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