[WEB4LIB] Biased Censorship Continues at Publib

Dan Lester dan at 84.com
Fri May 7 20:19:11 EDT 1999

At 03:02 PM 5/7/99 -0700, David Burt wrote:

>In the latest example of the biased censorship being practiced by Publib's 
>moderators, Karen Schneider and Sara Weissman,

I'm not a member of publib any more, as they won't permit my signature 
file.  I'm neither criticizing nor supporting any of the parties involved, 
as I don't know enough about the issues.  What I DO find inappropriate is 
the attempts to transfer one list war onto another list.

I also believe VERY FIRMLY, and have said so on the lists I manage on 
numerous occasions, that "s/he who doesn't like the policy of a list has 
two options: unsub or start his/her own list".   The whine on this used to 
be that they weren't affordable, were too technical to handle, etc, but 
that is no longer true.  There are many sites that allow anyone to create a 
free mailing list on any topic.  There are a greater number of other sites 
that permit creation of one for a small monthly fee.  There is also free or 
inexpensive software that will manage a list from any Win9x or WinNT 
machine, to say nothing of U**x boxes.  I don't know Macs, but there may be 
some for them too.

So, NO EXCUSES.  If you don't like a list policy, start your own darn list.


dan, who wishes folks would serve some bread and cheese with their whines

Good, Fast, and Cheap: Which two of the three would you like?
Dan Lester, 3577 East Pecan, Boise, ID 83716 USA 208-383-0165
dan at 84.com   http://www.84.com/  http://www.idaholibraries.org/
http://library.boisestate.edu/   http://www.lili.org/  http://www.postcard.org/ 

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