[WEB4LIB] Using 'Send Page' without having messenger installed?

Peter C. Gorman pcgorman at facstaff.wisc.edu
Wed Mar 3 08:17:24 EST 1999

Edward F Spodick writes:

>I have been asked by my supervisor if there is a reasonably simple way to
>enable the 'Send Page' option in Netscape Navigator Standalone or Communicator
>without Messenger.  Basically he wants users to be able to e-mail themselves
>pages, but not to use these workstations for checking their e-mail (we have a
>separate lab for that).  I don't think this is possible in the Standalone
>version - although 3rd-party e-mail packages can be configured to handl
>'mailto', I don't think 'send page' can be enabled.

I don't know of a way to do this with Navigator standalone, but we do it
with Communicator. We set the incoming mail server to a dummy address, and
lock that setting with Mission Control. That renders the POP client
effectively inoperable, but since the outgoing mail server is specified
separately, we can use a valid address (also locked down) for outgoing mail.

Hope this helps,
Peter C. Gorman
Automation Librarian
University of Wisconsin-Madison
General Library System
Library Technology Group
pcgorman at facstaff.wisc.edu
(608) 265-5291

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