PLA Technotes: request for input
GraceAnne A. DeCandido
ladyhawk at
Mon Mar 29 13:46:19 EST 1999
Dear colleagues on PUBLIB and Web4Lib,
I have contracted to write ten articles for the Public Library
Associations web site of 1500-2000 words each, on current
technical topics of interest to public librarians. I will be
producing these articles over the next eight to twelve weeks,
and I hope to have them completed by early June. Each will
have a short bibliography.
The list of topics is appended. I do not yet know in what
order I shall write them. They range from topics that I know
something about to topics where I will begin as a novice
and, it is fondly to be hoped, will end up grasping the
essentials, just as I hope my audience will.
Heres where you come in. I would like to know what
magazine articles, book chapters, or web sites have offered
you a clear understanding, or have helped you to make
decisions about, each topic as it affects your work. If you are
an expert yourself on some aspect listed, let me know, and
tell me if I can call on you for advice. I already have two in-
house experts, my husband Bob DeCandido on metadata,
and my friend and colleague, PUBLIB moderator Karen
Schneider, on filtering.
Heres the ten:
1. Digital Disaster Planning
2. Electronic Statistics
3. Filters
4. Metadata
5. Digital Object Identifier System
6. Intranets
7. Electronic Acquisitions
8. Wireless Networks
9. Push Technology
10. Video Teleconferencing
Feel free to pass this message on to anyone you think might
be interested.
GraceAnne A. DeCandido
Blue Roses Editorial & Web Consulting
350 E. 236th St
Bronx, NY 10470-2104
Voice: 718/994-7794
Fax: 718/994-9851
Email: ladyhawk at
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