[WEB4LIB] Re: Database listings on web pages

Bouchet, ML ml.bouchet at ntu.ac.uk
Thu Mar 18 06:55:42 EST 1999

> On Tue, 16 Mar 1999, Tim Smith wrote:
> > Has anyone come up with a simple, good way to highlight the "best"
> > databases or otherwise guide the user to those titles that will best
> meet
> > his/her needs? At one point in the evolution of our database menu
> system,
> > we had tried using a category "Major Databases" to highlight certain
> > databases on our subject-based submenus, but this proved to be
> unpopular,
> > and was therefore eliminated.
We have a pilot project here at Nottingham Trent University (UK) for final
year engineering students to help them find information sources for their
projects, called VECTOR.
We've divided it into subject areas and suggest the most relevant databases
for that topic, with direct links to the databases where possible.
We also bring together some information on things which students will find
useful, e.g.  how to cite references, online inter-library loan form.

We hope to bring in links to relevant electronic journals soon too.

So far, comments from students are very positive. It seems that bringing
together the relevant resources for a particular topic is what our students
like. The old one-stop shop show!

Please take a look, 



Marie-Laure Bouchet

M-L Bouchet
Internet Information Specialist
Library & Information Services
Nottingham Trent University

ml.bouchet at ntu.ac.uk

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