Outsurcing web design: some problems

Francesco Giacanelli md1251 at mclink.it
Mon Mar 15 03:10:25 EST 1999

Dear Web4libbers,

I am currently testing the web site of our documentation center. I had to outsource the web development, because of I am working solo (and I had little time to spend in developing the web) and because of I had no computer knowledge enough to put our database on the web.

I know that there are drawbacks in outsourcing the web design and development and unfortunately I am experiencing some of them.

One of this regards the visualizations of the site: this visualization is quite good with Netscape Communicator 4.06, but with MSIE 4.01 SP 1 I experience very big problems: some text line seem to disappear, the logo seems to be covered by the background, etc.
I am aware that the different browsers could visualize the page differently, but in this case the problem seems more serious, as it regards the possibility to read the page.
Is a question of bad HTML programming?

In this regard, what does it mean to optimize a page for a certain browser (I don't want my site to be optimize "only" for Netscape, but also for different browser)?

I will appreciate any advice you could give me to conduct the test as more complete as possible.

Thanks very much
Best regards
Francesco Giacanelli

Francesco Giacanelli
Biblioteca Italiana per i Ciechi - Centro di Documentazione Tiflologica
(Italian Library for the Blind - Documentation Center on Blindness)
Via della Fontanella di Borghese, 23 - 00186 Roma, Italy
Tel.: +39 06 68219820
Fax: +39 06 68136227
e-mail: cdtinfo at uiciechi.it
private e-mail: md1251 at mclink.it

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