Dreamweaver vs. HotMetal Pro

Mark Gooch Mark.Gooch at law.csuohio.edu
Fri Jun 18 08:40:37 EDT 1999

I am considering purchasing an HTML editor and I have it narrowed down
to Dreamweaver 2.0 and HotMetal Pro 5.0.  Could people who have used
these two products provide me with some feedback regarding their
experience with them?


Mark D. Gooch                                Cleveland State University
Government Information Librarian   1801 Euclid Ave.
Cleveland-Marshall Law Library     Cleveland, Ohio  44115
(216)687-5579  Voice                    (216)687-5098  Fax
                            Mark.Gooch at law.csuohio.edu

"I guess we still have some bugs to work out,"
 --Bill Gates at Comdex 98 in Chicago as Windows98 crashed on him

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